Welcome to my new Wonder Woman weekly blog! Each week I’ll be giving you a little dose of inspiration, news and updates. It’s mid-week and the first full week of June- how are you feeling? Middle of the week is a good time to check in on how your week is going and where you’d like to be. I believe it’s never too late to turn things around.
This week like every week I had my dance classes on Monday and Tuesday at my studio- Studio 68 London. If you haven’t been to my classes, come and join the fun! You don’t have to be a superstar dancer, you just need to be willing to learn and loosen up.
Last week I went to @londonicc I AM- Women’s Day event. We heard testimonies from powerful women, were entertained with song, tasted the delights of fine food, and heard a lesson from Michele Williamson that explores the concept of identity, purpose, and freedom in our Creator!
Michele Williamson, world-renowned Speaker, Mentor, and Women’s Ministry Leader, will be our Keynote Speaker for the day! She currently serves alongside her husband, Michael Williamson, in the London International Christian Church, and oversees six ministries across Europe.

It was amazing to be in the presence of so many amazing women and also women who are on similar paths to continuously grow and develop.
Last week was pretty busy for me because I also did a photo shoot for my new clothing brand “Hey Mamita” coming up soon. Ladies, I can’t wait to share all the sexy clothing, lingerie, and footwear that I’ve selected for my clothing brand. I wanted to have something for all my ladies to feel and look good in.

I’ve also been training for the auditions of a TV show called Ninja Warrior (an obstacle course style game show) because I’ve been selected by casting directors. The London auditions are on 15th June so wish me luck. I really love trying out things like this because I hope to inspire women to challenge themselves and try new things. You learn so much in the journey regardless of the outcome.
In my training, I’ve been doing a combination of workouts and exercises which you can follow on my Instagram and Facebook. I don’t recommend trying them out if you’re a beginner or not used to that kind of extreme training but I would recommend going for even a short run. The run can get your heart rate up and it’s more than a workout, it can really help boost endorphins and boost your positive vibes. Well at least that’s what short runs do for me and you can always go at your own pace.
Last week and the start of this week have filled me with gratitude to be alive and able- able to keep on trying, keep on pushing myself and others to be our best selves.
I hope you give yourself some space to reflect on where you’ve come and where you’re going.
Until next week… besitos.