Boundaries show people how to treat you

So let’s cut the fluff and get real about this: if you’re not comfortable setting boundaries, you’re probably living in a space where you’re overcommitted, overwhelmed, and overlooked. And let me tell you something—being a people-pleaser isn’t a badge of honour; it’s a quick way to burn-out and broken relationships. What Are Non-Negotiables, and Why […]

‘We’re not dating. We’re not seeing each other. We’re just talking.

I can’t count the amount of times women have come to me, frustrated, confused, and stuck in the endless cycle of “just talking” with men they’ve met on dating apps or social media. And it’s not exclusive to online dating. And I’m talking about situationships or hooking app, that’s a conversation of its own for […]

Dont ignore these 5 toxic behaviours (even if they come with excuses)

We’ve all heard it before—“But they didn’t mean it,” or “That’s just how they are.” Excuses can be the band-aids that cover deeper wounds in a relationship, especially when toxic behaviours are in play. The tricky part is recognising them, especially when your partner seems to justify their actions. I talk about five common toxic behaviours that, no matter how many excuses are given, shouldn’t be ignored!

Absolute Beginners Heels Programs June-July 2024

Perfect program for women that are looking for self improvement. Learn to walk, dance and build confidence. Tamara Kramer has been training women to become their best they can be and also training dancers to get to TOP INDUSTRY jobs since 2010. This program has been the most incredible revelation and improvement for women with […]

Empowering Dance Professionals

Our dance industry has been affected by the pandemic, and we know it is fundamentally broken. Teachers, choreographers, and fitness professionals are struggling because of the cost of accessing space facilities to make a living and expand their brand. At the moment, there are just two options.Option one: to get a job in an existing […]

Navigating Through Break-up Waters: Healing & Moving Forward

Experiencing a breakup ranks among the most challenging aspects of any relationship. The sensation of losing someone indefinitely and feeling as though the world has ended can prompt self-reflection, leading to doubts about yourself and the circumstances that led to the relationship’s demise. Sociologists suggest that one in five adults relies on anxiety attachment styles to navigate relationships, a pattern often rooted in childhood experiences. Despite the overwhelming despair, remember that healing and progress are inevitable with time.

From Virtual to Reality: Navigating Online Dating

Dating sites can often feel overwhelming, stressful, and even intimidating. It’s important to be mindful of the image you project online. In this episode, I will dive into invaluable tips and strategies to help you navigate the world of online dating successfully. These tips will hopefully make your online dating experience more enjoyable and rewarding. I would love to hear about your own experiences and insights in the online dating realm. Let’s have an open and honest discussion about this modern avenue of finding love!

Unravelling Your Love Languages

Do you know your 5 love languages? When you know your partner’s love language, you can show your love and care in a way that really means something to them. This knowledge can help you meet each other’s emotional needs more accurately, leading to a happier and more connected relationship.

Professional Beauty Event

The Professional Beauty London was an incredible experience where amazing workshops, master classes, and treatments were given to women who believed in daily improvement, personal growth, and physical improvement. I have managed to learn some incredible techniques from amazing professionals, so I spent time creating a box of tips for my incredible academy.

11 things to ask yourself about a potential partner

Download my free guide to help you know if the person you’re dating has the qualities to be a long term partner: